So my friend and I have been friends for about a year now, but I feel like she is distancing herself away from me. What should I do?

So my friend and I have been friends for about a year now, but I feel like she is distancing herself away from me. What should I do?

X says: “If you feel like your friend is distancing herself from you the first thing you do is talk to her directly. Don’t go around telling people the problem because that can cause even more conflict. If she ends up breaking the friendship, then maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.”

Y says:  “Tell her how you feel! How else is she going to know? Sometimes it’s just easier to come out with it and talk through it, rather than waiting to see what happens. Especially because you guys have been friends for a while. Maybe she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it. So telling her will definitely solve that problem. And if she continues to do it even after all of that, THEN just let her be. Chances are she will come back to renew your friendship in her own time.”

Z says: “Realizing that your friend is distancing themselves from you is tough, but in my opinion actually letting go is the hardest part. Listen to your instincts. They are probably distancing themselves from you for a reason. Set aside some time to talk to them, let them know how you are feeling, then come to an agreement.”