An Interview With Jay from the Love Café

By Kiara Ventura

                The Love Cafe has grown to be a part of the MCSM community. Students and teachers frequently go to the Love Cafe to grab a cup of coffee, a sandwich, or even the infamous Love Cafe brownies! We were interested in knowing more about the Love Cafe`s history and relationship with MCSM. So we asked the main man of the Love Cafe, Jay Cintron, to share some information with us.


Q: How did the name “Love Cafe” come about?

A: There`s another gentleman that you guys will probably never meet, named Doug. He is kind of like a hippie, so the whole “Love” theme and the “splat” logo is inspired by ’70s hippie craze kind of stuff.  He is into that. So he was like “We’re going to name it Love!” Then he and his girlfriend came up with the splat logo.

Q: What is the historical background of the Love Cafe?

A: It actually started with trucks. This is the first cafe of its kind. There is another one in Astoria but this is the first one.  We opened up November 15th 2009, after I was running the mobile coffee truck on Wall Street from 2007 to 2009. Basically that is how it started, with street coffee. It`s the first cafe of its existence.

Q: What do you think are the most essential elements of the Love Cafe that make it so popular amongst members of the MCSM community?


The Love Cafe Staff

A: Good personalities, low prices. And flexible payment plans because lord knows these kids will be like: “I got you tomorrow Jay!”  And everything is made with love. That`s the main thing of all.

Q: What is the difference between this cafe and others around the city?

A: We are more personable.

Q: The Love Cafe seems to have grown a lot through the years. What are your future goals?

A: To expand, have more seating, move next door and combine both rental spaces together to have a giant Love Café. We’ll probably do a dinner service in the future, and stay open a little longer on the weekends.

Q: When an MCSM student thinks of the Love Cafe, what do you hope they think of; or how do you hope they view the Love Cafe?

IMG_0046A: As a place which is sort of like the “Cheers” of cafes…where everybody knows your name. And that phrase is also on our Foursquare page, “the Cheers of cafes.” We’ve been called that before, and basically I want this to be remembered as a place where students can go to and feel comfortable…get an affordable bite…be treated with respect like an adult. You know, all those little things that keep you guys coming. You guys are teenagers, so we try to treat you like young adults versus like how we treat the middle-schoolers. From what I’ve heard from my kids that have graduated through the years is that they all miss the Love Cafe. They always come back saying they wish they had a Love Cafe at their college. The one line we get the most from those returning students is: “Man you need to open a Love Cafe at my college! I miss the grilled cheese! I miss the Belgian!” Everywhere is so expensive, they usually miss the prices too.

Q: What role do the MCSM students play as part of the Love Cafe?

A: They are the Love Cafe.  That`s it. If it wasn’t for the Manhattan Center students, we wouldn’t even be open. That`s true.  If they stopped letting the students out for lunch we’d be so screwed. We would only make money in the morning and in the afternoon. I would have to get rid of some of my people because staffers who work during the day wouldn’t have a reason to work since students wouldn`t go out for lunch.

Q: I’ve noticed that the brownies sold here are pretty popular. What`s the secret ingredient?

A: They’re made with love! That`s it. Honestly speaking, I just take a little time and care to bake them.

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