By Mariama Bah
If you live with your parents, have you ever imagined how life would be without them? There are so many teenagers in this world who live with neither one of their parents for different reasons. One of the most common reasons is because their parents have died. However, some parents put their kids up for adoption because they think they wouldn’t be a good influence on their kids. In my opinion, I think parents should keep their kids and just try very hard to properly care for them, just like any other parent must do.On the other hand, I know that there are young adults who live with their parents but do not get the attention they want/need from them. I believe that if you live with your parent(s), and they are giving you everything they can, you should love and appreciate them. You should appreciate every little thing they do for you, because those without parents wish that they had access to the same amount of love that those with parents get.
As a Facebook user, I have observed that many kids tend to run to Facebook to express their emotions. I believe that it is very self-centered for young people with loving parents to be on Facebook writing about how much they hate their parents, when there are others crying because they can’t be with their parents. Why do some children complain about how proud their parents are of their performance in school while others wish they had someone to go to parent-teacher conferences for them? No one will ever know how hard it is to grow up without a parent more than those who have already been through that experience, or who must live through it now. These are children who will never have memories of great, educational moments of bonding during mother/daughter or father/son time.

When a foster parent treats you unfairly, it will often hurt more than if your own parent had done the same thing to you. The reason for this is because although your birth parents may not always say it or show it, you are somehow assured that everything they do is for your own good.Normally, no matter what a kid does to their parents, they will always forgive them and love them even more. So let’s forgive our parents now before it’s too late, since as humans, we all make mistakes. Most of all, let’s idolize and love our parents more then ever because I know that no one wants to look back on their past and regret the bad choices they have made.
Those of us with caring parents should think before we start disrespecting them. Always remember that there are other young people just like us with no help from parents. I would also advise anyone forced to grow up without parents to use this challenging circumstance as extra motivation to work very hard to have a better future.