BASEBALL: The Rams Walked It Off

 By Yeritza Mejia (title by Emmanuel Castillo)

rams vs chiefs



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1st  inning


MCSM started out strong, killing the competition, eliminating every single boy that hit the ball as well as the ones who did not. Although our batting wasn’t the best, we managed to strike batters out over and over again. The game had just begun. With scores tied at 0, there was no pressure yet


Score: 0 – 0


2nd inning


The teams started scoring, and both teams stayed relaxed. I bet they thought that if a lot of things can happen in just one inning, imagine how many things can happen in five!


Score: 2 – 2


3rd inning


One of the most memorable moments of the game was a jump that #4 made in order to beat a throw to third base, something that not much later was going to get us ahead in scoring. A moment of relaxation in the game returned when MCSM was up for 3 carriers. It was  a little early to celebrate a victory, but this gave us hope.


Score: 5 – 2


4th inning


In 5 minutes we were tied again. This was the fastest tie of the day. Roosevelt got those 3 carriers for the tie almost immediately, leaving me and the rest of the spectators speechless.


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Score: 5 – 5



5th inning


We started to worry about the score. Roosevelt High School broke the tie and got ahead by two carriers four moments later. After this, the pressure started to build up. If we lost the game we could’ve said goodbye to the playoffs after 5 consecutive years of attendance. That would mean a big blow to our pride and reputation.


Score: 9 – 5


6th inning


Ok the tension was really thick now.  Just two more innings, and we were losing by 4. With third and second bases full, we got two carriers and were only down by two thanks to #30’s performance. Eventually, the score was tied again.


Score:9 – 9


7th inning


Then came the peak of the game, the moment where most of the pressure was on. Roosevelt broke the tie getting to eleven points, but not long after we tied it again. With just one out left, Roosevelt’s co-captain, #34, decided to walk our batter in order to prevent him from getting a good hit. We had a guy on 3rd base and only needed one hit to win the game. When #7 came to bat, Roosevelt did the same thing, so there we were with full bases waiting for a small hit to finally put an end to the game. And guess what? We did it!  After losing 4 games in a row, we got to conquer our field again.


Score: 11 – 12


Now we can happily say…



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