Poetry: War Is Inevitable

By: Penda Smith

And again,

in between a black lives matter movement,

I scream my own rebellion.

I do not branch from man,

I am womb man,

Remember whose body you be from.


War is inevitable when two bodies want to inhabit the same land,

when two lands want to inhabit the same body.

when one body connects two lands,

when one land transverses two bodies,

when two bodies claim two lands,

when two lands fight to exist,

when two lands deny each other existence,

when two bodies deny each other existence,

when  two bodies birth the same land,

when two lands birth the same body,

when one body births two lands,

when one land births two bodies

when two bodies births one body

when one body denies two bodies,

when two bodies plus gun equal  one body

when one body sees one body,

when two bodies plus gun mean three bodies,


when one body subtracts one body  two bodies become one body,

when one body still sees one body in one land

when one body bleed two bodies in one land

when two bodies vomit one body in one land

when one land loves no body

when one land claims no body,

when one body loves one land


when one land swallow one body two bodies vomit in one land

when two lands fight two bodies,

when two bodies subtract, one body leaves no body,


This leaves a body,

my body.

The skin that covers this body is a threat to every body.

One gun,

sees two bodies,

and men like you only see one body.

We scream in the same body,

We scream in the same land,

We cry in the same body

We cry in the same land,

We drowned in the same body

of water.


War is inevitable when two bodies are two bodies