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Q: What’s the best way to apply for scholarships?


X REPLIES: Let’s be honest now. Applying for scholarships can be tough and stressful. The thoughts start to flood in…”OMG will I be chosen?” or “Man, is this really worth it?” But don’t worry my friend, there are no secrets to applying. The best way to apply is to carefully follow the directions, and to go with your gut. Here are some tips:


1) Start your research early. Figure out what type of scholarship you are looking for, and if it meets your standards. Consider your hobbies and interests.
2) Don’t miss deadlines. Some scholarships have early deadlines so you should mark the due dates on your calendar and figure out how much time you need to fill out the applications.


3) Get organized. If you are applying for multiple scholarships, you should try and separate them into files by the due dates. Also, gather the documents that the scholarships will ask you for, which may include: latest high school transcript, standardized test scores, one or more essays, parents financial information, and financial aid forms. Sometimes, you will need to go in for an interview or submit a portfolio.

         4) Check your application, and have copies of all your documents! Proofread your application for grammar mistakes and maybe ask a friend to review it.  Make sure your answers are legible, and that you fill in all the blanks. Let’s say there is an error in sending your application, or that it didn’t go through at all!  Having copies of all your papers will make re-submitting things easier. All you have to do is resend the materials.


I hope these tips have helped make the process of applying for scholarships worry-free. Good luck!


Q: I am a transfer student. What is the best way for me to make friends here?


Y REPLIES: Starting at a new school, in a totally new environment can be very nerve-wracking. Having the courage to approach a student in the hallway and ask where the bathroom is, isn’t always easy. As a transfer student, you’re the new person that is trying to fit into a community that has already developed itself. You will experience difficulties at a new school along the way. But here are a few tips that can help you!

1. Talk to people in class. Try talking to your peers and adding your ideas during group discussions. You’ll get to know more about your classmates and they will learn from you as well.
2. Join a club. Joining a club will allow you to meet people who have a lot in common with you. Clubs can also have special events every year and this will help you step out of your comfort zone by encouraging you to talk with those in the club.


3. Join a sports team. Being involved in a sport will encourage you to know your team members. Your team will spend their time outside of school at practices.
4. Attend sporting/performing events. Get to know your school’s community, and what the students are involved in. If the school hosts basketball games, go to a game. If there is a talent show, check out all the spectacular performances the students are proud to show.

Should I break up with my boyfriend just because we may now be going to different colleges?

Wow, that’s a tough one. No one likes a breakup, but it can sometimes be the best thing for you as you transition to a completely new environment and a new part of your life. If you are not sure what path you and your partner should take post-high school graduation, stop to ask yourself some important questions: Which aspects of college are you most looking forward to (besides academics)? Parties? Formal dances? Now, ask yourself: Are these things going to be affected if you stay with your current high school boyfriend?

Sometimes it is hard to know if you are making the right decision to stay with or break up with your high school boyfriend. After spending part or all of high school together, you may feel like no other person can understand you the way they do. But what if you start feeling like you want something more?

If you start to resent the fact that you are going to miss out on new college experiences, or if you simply find yourself not feeling the same way towards your boyfriend as before, the relationship may not be the best thing for you. A breakup does not always mean that it’s the end of the world, it can be a new beginning for both of you.

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