
OPINION: Let’s pray for the COVID-19 Patients

By Amen Dilawar

     There have been 52,000+ deaths in New York, and the toll has been going up. It is just crazy. People are recovering from the coronavirus, but it has been very hard on the families that have witnessed all of this. Recently, one of my family friends got the coronavirus, and her situation is very critical. Let’s hope that she gets better. Let’s also pray for everyone who has the coronavirus and is suffering from it. 

How is the coronavirus affecting families?

      It has been impacting families negatively because they have to go through stress and agony. People I’ve seen and met got the coronavirus, and it is spreading like wildfire. Everything has been insane lately. Whether that be school work, the number of people dying, or an increasing number of cases. 

     As I have mentioned before, someone close to my family is going through this devastating moment. They have three young kids, and the mother got the coronavirus. She is in the hospital at this point and is on the ventilator. She is very dear to me and is like my aunt. The doctors have said that her condition is very critical. I think my aunt and her family are undergoing the worst of all times. Her family thinks that they have the virus too, or have been exposed to it. My family and I have been worried about everyone who is fighting the battle of life and death. Let’s hope that all the COVID-19 patients recover and obtain strength. Even though the recovering process is slow, we can still cling to hope and expect the best to happen.

     A lot of people have been praying and continue to pray. Our prayers will hopefully be answered, and everything will go back to normal one day. For now, we must continue to ask for the forgiveness of our sins and hope for the best. For instance, my family and I pray every day at night for all those in difficulty. The coronavirus is possibly the worst thing to get because it severely impacts your body by multiplying. 

How does it affect your body?

     It starts with droplets from an infected person’s cough, sneeze, or breath. They could be in the air or on a surface that you touch before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. That gives the virus a passage to the mucous membranes in your throat. Within 14 days, your immune system may respond with early symptoms like a sore throat, a fever, or a dry cough. Then, the virus makes its way down to the respiratory tract. That’s the airway that includes your mouth, nose, throat, and lungs. Your lower airways have more ACE2 receptors than the rest of your respiratory tract. So COVID-19 is more likely to go deeper than viruses like the common cold.

     From what happened to my aunt, her lungs are inflamed, which means that it’s really hard for her to breathe. That is why she is on the ventilator. This led her to have pneumonia, an infection of the tiny air sacs (called alveoli) where your blood exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide. 

     Let’s say a special thanks to all the nurses and doctors who are constantly working hard. They have put their lives at risk for us. I salute everyone in the health profession field because they are trying their best to treat all patients. God willing, we will get through these harsh times. Stay healthy and safe!

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