By Fatoumata Drammeh
Halloween is coming up, and despite the killer virus many people are still in the holiday spirit and will be dressing up at home. Halloween is the perfect time to indulge in one’s fantasies by dressing up as a favorite superhero, video game heroine, or superstar. In particular this is a day during which “cosplay” is also very apparent. Cosplay (costume play) is a specific term originating in Japan that refers to people typically dressing up as popular anime characters, an activity that has become a major facet of the anime fan community. Unlike those who dress up once a year for Halloween, Cosplay can be done at any time and anywhere. Some even incorporate cosplay in their daily lives, so that it becomes a lifestyle.
While cosplay has been around a long time, it has become more socially acceptable and popular in recent years. Between famous regular fan conventions and social media we constantly see amazing cosplay. However, it seems that along with cosplay, hate automatically follows. A lot of cosplayers tend to be ridiculed by people both within and outside of the anime community—although more so by the latter. However, the most vicious kinds of hateful ridicule seems to be taken to the next level when it comes to black individuals. Sadly, anti-black sentiments expressed towards black cosplayers, especially towards darker-skinned participants, has become a lingering problem within the anime community.
Every, and I mean every single black fan (especially if dark-skinned), says they expect (and receive) a tremendous amount of overt racism and hate when participating in cosplay. One of many examples I can refer to is the Tohsaka cosplay done by Shirleen (@litdesu), a black cosplayer. It blew up online not only because she did an amazing job, but because of the amount of racist comments and messages she received. The messages were full of racial slurs, expletives, and insults, with some people saying she shouldn’t dress up as a non-Black character. A similar case was a famous Nezuko cosplay which also blew up because the player received nasty and racist online feedback. She was bullied and harassed to the point where she deactivated.
This kind of abusive treatment has been normalized to the point where black cosplayers expect backlash, and are either forced to shrug it off or not to cosplay at all to avoid hostile commentary from fellow fans. Black cosplayers (especially women) are forced to deal with sexism, racism, body-shaming, and colorism all at once. One would think that the cosplay community would be a safe space for black creators, since cosplayers already know what it’s like to be ridiculed or unfairly judged, but that is often not the case. Despite the ongoing trend of black cosplayers doing very accurate cosplay (by pitting in the utmost effort, and attention to detail, due both to personal passion and the fact that they can’t just put in minimal effort like a non-black counterpart could and get a pass), they are still always questioned on their “accuracy.” In reality there are no flaws in the black fan’s presentation, just a negative reaction to the color of their skin.
Black fans have long been part of the cosplay community. However, despite the fact that they’ve participated in these communities for many years, and contribute a lot of amazing content (from hilarious videos and reactions to top-notch cosplay), they are still treated like outsiders. The biggest critique used against black cosplayers by anime fans is the fact that these characters are often Japanese, and usually not black. But this reasoning is never used against non-black fans (who are also not Japanese), who also dress up as Japanese characters. The point is, the kinds of negative critique used to attack and dissuade black cosplayers is simply a way for certain individuals to disguise their racism, because they don’t keep the same harsh energy for everyone. If suddenly the race of anime characters truly mattered when cosplaying, all non-Japanese cosplayers in the cosplay community would receive the same amount of hate black cosplayers do. But that is not the reality. The responses towards photos of black cosplayers are always so overwhelmingly passive-aggressive, negative and questioning. It seems that cosplay is for ”everyone” only until a black individual joins in … and we need to change that.
First, there needs to be more love than hate. As noted before, there aren’t that many black anime characters, and characters with darker skin. This isn’t much of a problem, since people can cosplay characters despite their skin tone, and it is a genre where Japanese characters (also considered “people of color” in Eurocentric cultures) are at the center. However, in any space it is very nice to see diverse representation, especially when it’s well done; and in earlier anime adaptations this wasn’t always the case.
Now, however, there are now a lot more great black anime characters to choose from. So, be it to avoid backlash, or for wanting to cosplay a character that resembles you in every way, the list below provides black character ideas for black anime fans to cosplay this year. A lot of these characters break old stereotypes, and are positive, powerful and creatively diverse representations of black individuals.
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1. Yoruichi Shihoin needs no introduction at all. She is one of Anime’s most respected and powerful female characters, and not just in her series Bleach, but in the anime world as a whole. Out of the few black characters that exist, she is the most memorable. She isn’t a token black character as she plays a relevant, powerful, and noticeable role throughout the series. She is a fan favorite for her playful and strong nature.
2. Gidget is a supporting character in Eureka Seven. She’s known as a bit of an airhead but she’s a very resourceful and loveable addition to the anime. She never fails to protect those she loves and has an amazing sense of style, in fact she is the best dressed within the cast. She also provides great comedic relief in the more relaxed moments of the anime.

3. Urd is one of the goddesses from the romance series: Oh My Goddess. She is the elder sister of the main character whom she always looks out for. She is hilariously sarcastic and sometimes antagonistic for the greater good of things. Being wise, smart and endearingly witty, Urd is an amazing and beautiful character.
4. Miyuki Ayukawa is from the anime Basquash! She is an amazing female mechanic, offering great representation in a male-dominated field, and she’s helped her team earn many victories in battle. She is a cheerful ball of energy and adorable with her staple pigtails.
5. Atsuko Jackson is an Afro Latina police officer from the anime television series Michiko to Hatchin. Her big yellow Afro is an iconic, staple feature of hers. She is a playful but strong individual with an interesting backstory, and she is surely beautiful and beloved by many watchers.
6. Michiko Milandro – The lead character from the anime series Michiko to Hatchin, Michiko is simply gorgeous, and one of the best black female visuals in anime to date. It’s rare to see a black lead in anime, even more so a black female lead and she’s well written. She is clever and isn’t to be messed with. In the anime she is on the run escaping from prison and as you get to know her interesting origins she warms her way into your heart.
7. Tosen Kaname is one of the main soul reapers from Bleach and has one of the most unique abilities as well. He was born blind. However, this does not stop him from becoming one of the strongest Shinigami. He is not a man of many emotions but he is very intelligent, sharp and powerful. He is also very loved by the Bleach and anime community as a whole.
8. Afro Samurai is one of the first ever main black protagonists in anime and he is undoubtedly one of, if not the best! He is a highly skilled swordsman and his journey which is triggered by vengeance for his father’s murder is captivating. He is known as a bloodthirsty killer who shows glimpses of kindness. He defeats his enemies nonstop and ruthlessly, and is simply an icon!
9. Sphintus Carmen is one of the support characters in anime: Magi, Kingdom Of Magic. He is the heir of a noble family and at first he comes off as cocky but as he and Aladdin’s (the main character of Magi) friendship progresses we see his true nature. He is a loyal and trusting friend, with a generally cheerful and dramatic personality, and he says whatever comes to mind.
10. Sid Barret is one of the X teachers who taught at the Death Scythe Meister Academy. He is loved by his students and he is very good at teaching with interesting methods and techniques. He loves his students and wants them to reach their full potential.
11. Mugen is the anti hero of Samurai Champloo but it makes him very entertaining to watch. He is vulgar, crude, and a womanizer and tends to be all over the place but it comes off as quite comedic. His fighting style is pretty reckless and he is very competitive. Admirably he will not stop until he beats his competitor even if he loses.
12. Edward is one of the main protagonists in Cowboy Bebop. She is known as Radical Edward or Ed for short and she is a highly skilled child hacker. She is seen as the little sister of the crew and is always saving the team. She is free spirited and has eccentric tendencies but she’s very kind and caring.
13. Bob Makihara is a character from the anime series Tenjou Tenge. He is known for being one of the strongest characters in the series and was one of the only black anime characters with dreads at the time. He is very proud of his culture, being that he is from South Africa and fights in with a cool martial art style called Ritualistic Capoeira.
14. Kaz Kaan is the main protagonist in the anime Neo Yokio! Black main protagonists are rare and Kaz is pretty well done. He likes to think of himself as polite and elegant but he can come off as selfish which lessens as the anime progresses. He is outspoken, self aware and pretty caring. He cares about fashion and also has cool magical powers and is humorous to watch navigate.
15. Canary is from the anime series Hunter X Hunter and she is another great example of a normal looking black anime character that can kick some behinds. She’s beaten up hundreds of men on her own without any special powers, just her hand to hand combat and trusty staff. She is very kind and loyal. While she tries to suppress her emotions, her gentleness shines through. She plays a prominent role as one of the main character’s precious friends.
16. Darui is from the anime Naruto and he is notably very level headed and down to earth. While everyone is freaking out he will remain calm. He gets bored easily and any come off as lazy but that is far from the truth. He is always ready to help and he is a great fighter.
17. Omoi is from the anime Naruto and he is very intellectual. He thinks and forms plans before he jumps into any battle but this often leads him to spacing out. He worries quite a lot as well. Omoi has incredible strength and ability and was appointed to many special missions because of it.
18. Kilik Rung was created by the creator of Soul Eater, Atsushi Okubo, specially to help combat the lack of diversity in anime and Okubo did a wonderful job. Kilik is known as a prodigy and he is a very admirable character with exceptional fighting skills. He is an intelligent kid, being ranked as one of the top three students within his school. He is mature and stays calm under pressure, all while rocking some killer cornrows and glasses.

19. April is a side character in the anime Darker than Black. While there isn’t much known about her she has a very striking appearance. Her dark brown skin and ice blue hair combined with her hurricane making abilities make her stand out.
20. Huey and Riley are from the animated series the Boondocks and are undoubtedly a popular duo. Huey is known for his quirky comebacks and beatdowns while Riley is known for his smart mouth and does the crap-talking. They always have each other’s backs and are an iconic pair with their signature Afro and braids.
21. Carole Stanley is one of the main characters in Carole Tuesday, an anime that has really grown in popularity for its great vibes and lgbtq representation. Carole is a very passionate musician who uses music as an outlet for working through her feelings. She’s also a beauty with her iconic puff.
22. The Raikage is the Kage of Kumogakure, a title bestowed on the village’s leader. The Raikage is generally regarded as the strongest shinobi in the village. There have been five Raikage in the village’s history. They are all symbols of great power and leadership and are highly respected. This would be a great group combo.
23. Killer Bee is an extremely powerful shinobi and the inhibitor of the eight-tailed demon fox in Naruto Shippuden. He was chosen as the Supreme Leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces. He’s best known for his strength, speed, and lighting chakra capabilities. Despite his strength he is very laid back and hilarious.
24. Ymir is a supporting character in Attack On Titan who plays a very vital role later in the series as she knows the nature of the titans, and info on the world outside of the Walls. She is powerful and knowledgeable. She comes off as cynical and selfish but she is actually very kind and selfless.
25. Anthy Himemiya is the second protagonist of the series Shoujo Kakumei Utena. She is a mysterious, shy girl whose vapid expression and superficial politeness mask a complex, darker personality. Nobody knows for sure who she really is under her beautiful dark skin. All we know is she is very in control of herself and her future.
26. Villetta Nu is a character in Code Geass. She is an elite Knightmare Frame pilot and since she is not a pureblood she is very ambitious and will do whatever she can to acquire the title of baroness and become a noble. She is a calm and collected dark skinned beauty who fights for what she wants and always gets it.
27. Choi Mochimazzi is a supporting character in slice of life anime: Tamako Market. She is short in stature and her character design is very well done and adorable, but don’t let her small size fool you. She is very headstrong and a bit bossy despite being so well mannered.
28. S.A.M. (Short for Special Associate Model) is one of the main characters of Cannon Busters. She is a high-end robot who was separated from her best friend and heir to the throne of Botica, Prince Kelby, with whom she seeks to reunite with. She is sweet and friendly but powerful and will fight her way through any obstacle.
29. Claudia Grant is from the 1985 anime series Robotech. The reason why she is such an icon is because she was one of, if not the only, positive representation of black characters among the pool of bad examples that were really common at the time. She did not have the stereotypical, mocking, and exaggerated black features prevalent at the time, and she was portrayed positively as a relaxed, confident, and professional lieutenant.
30. Hannah Anafeloz is an antagonist in the anime Black Butler. She is the demon maid of the Trancy household and is seemingly introverted and meek. In reality she is a powerful demon and more powerful than her master in strength and speed. She is extremely loyal and protective.
31. Nakuru Narumi is one of the side characters in Mayo Chiki. Narumi is a very kind and caring girl and a very affectionate friend. Nakuru is a girl who is passionate about the things she loves and isn’t afraid to show it albeit she has some endearing strange quirks.
32. Casca is a prominent figure in the anime Berserk and one of the earliest black female representations in anime. She is one of the strongest and most capable leaders in the anime. She is a great comrade and reliable as her judgment is rarely questioned.
33. Fire and Thunder are the weapon partners of Kilik Rung who is also on this list. With their child-like innocence and cheerfulness, they are gushed and fussed over by other characters and us fans as well. These twins are curious, easily distracted but tough when fighting alongside Kilik. With their adorable dark skin, large blue eyes, rosy cheeks and mid-length blonde hair framing their faces, they capture the hearts of everyone.
34. Souma Schicksal is from the action/fantasy anime: God Eater. He first comes off someone who is unfriendly, rude with his bluntness and a lone wolf. But as the series progresses, the reason why he acts as he does is revealed and understandable. Souma is just an introvert, driven by purpose with a good heart and mind.
35. Dutch is one of the main characters in Black Lagoon and is one of the toughest characters in anime. He is very blunt and straightforward but he’s also very chill and has a good sense of humor. While he is laid back, he gets serious when the situation calls for it.
I hope more people are using this list to try to find anime characters that already honor diversity or to try something new, rather than simply seeking ideas for cosplay that will avoid backlash. Wanting to avoid controversy is understandable. But I hope black cosplayers who are struggling to branch out—or are too scared to cosplay—can gather the confidence to cosplay characters of different races and colors like everyone else does, despite any backlash they may receive. Furthermore, this racism towards black cosplayers is a problem we need to eliminate, because nobody should have to just suck it up and cope with all this backlash and fear. Being harassed for participating in an entertainment subculture is just one of a long list of things that black individuals should not have to have to worry about on a daily basis. Active bias against black cosplayers may not be as urgent an issue as the police brutality which randomly takes black lives. Nevertheless it still deprives black people of safe, fun spaces to be creative and entertain themselves, which remains a terrible violation of a person’s civil rights. Black cosplayers constantly have to go above and beyond to be welcomed or accepted all the time, and this isn’t okay. Black lives matter beyond when they’re just being murdered. They matter in situations like these too! The anime community is too diverse and amazing for us to continue this way. I hope as a whole, we can acknowledge this issue and try to move towards making all black cosplayers feel accepted and welcomed.