POETRY: “Raindrop”

By Diana Sanchez


drop of

rain, falls from

the sky. What does 

that signify? Well, it’s

 going to start to rain of course!

Why is it that whenever someone

hears the words “It’s going to rain today”

they almost always say something close to “Ugh!

Really?” People look at the negatives in most issues, 

why must we be so negative? Why can’t we say “Oh that’s cool. 

It’s about time we got some rain.”  Why can’t people appreciate

 things? Rain brings water to farmers, who grow the crops you eat. 

Without that rain that you hate, the crops won’t grow, the flowers 

won’t bloom. Stop looking at the negatives in a situation,

look at the positives. Other places and other people 

wish that they would be able to have 

 what you have. Be grateful,

for the raindrop.


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