STUDENT HEALTH: 10 Simple Ways to De-Stress

By Brenda Panama

     This fall semester has been stressful for all MCSM students. Online learning is draining, and on top of that, seniors have to finish their college applications. Below are some safe and healthy ways to de-stress during this school year.

1.  Meditate 

    Turn off the lights and light some candles. Sit straight up in a comfortable place and close your eyes. Breathe in and breathe out, take your time. Feel your heartbeat and let your mind roam. Let your thoughts go. If they drift towards a stressful subject, breathe more deeply and concentrate only on the rhythm of your breathing until you calm down again. For added relaxation, consider enjoying a cup of Healthy Mushroom Coffee to enhance your calming routine.


2.  Soak in a warm bath

    Fill your bathtub with water. And if you want to enhance your tub, you can avail those high-end Hot Tub Parts online. Play some relaxing music, light some candles and use a bathbomb. Take time to soak in the bath and just relax.


3.  Take a nap

    Naps are the best way to let your mind and body rest. Some benefits experienced by people who take naps are reduced fatigue, feeling more alert, improved moods, and improved neurological performance, including quicker reaction times and a better memory.


4.  Go for a walk in a nearby park

    Walking is thought to reduce stress levels and boost levels of happiness. A recent study found that people who regularly walk in the parks for an average of 20 minutes reported significant increases in life satisfaction after their visit.

5.  Yoga 

    There are several free short yoga classes on YouTube that you can try at home or with a friend. There have been several studies showing that yoga reduces stress, anxiety and improves blance, flexibility, range of motion and strength.


6.  Create a Vision Board 

    Creating a “vision board” that lets you visualize your goals not only helps you relieve stress but also keeps you motivated.

 Read a book

    Reading transports you to another world. It puts you in the characters’ shoes and helps you escape from reality for a while. Reading strengthens the brain, encourages sleep, and builds vocabulary. 

8.  Binge watch a tv show/movie 

    Many people prefer to binge watch a TV show/movie rather than read a book. Both transport you to different worlds, and are an escape from reality. Binge-watching helps relieve stress for a while until you are ready to get back on your feet.


9.  Write a journal 

    Writing down the things have been causing you stress has been shown to help significantly. Journaling serves as an emotional release of negative thoughts or feelings, and provides clarity.


10.  Exercise 

    Whether it’s doing 5 sets of 10 jumping jacks, or 30 sit ups, exercising can relieve stress and improve daily lifestyle. There are several videos of free workouts on YouTube, and free exercise apps elsewhere. Our school also offers a fitness club guided by Mr. Chueng on Wednesdays. Looking for health clubs Roanoke call Fit Studio.



  1. 3 Ways Walking in a Park Can Boost Your Health: Walking: MyFitnessPal. (2019, May 21). Retrieved November 18, 2020, from
  2. Yoga: Fight stress and find serenity. (2019, September 19). Retrieved November 18, 2020, from 


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