Q: What are some good “self care” tips?
X responds: Firstly, why is self care important? Self care helps relieve stress and will help your mind and body stay healthy. Especially because of the pandemic, stress and anxiety levels within the population have increased making the need for self care important than ever. How often should someone self care? Some people may be more busy than others, which may make it difficult to have a self care day. However, it’s important to have a self care day every month or so. Overall, self care is a great way to help someone help balance out the stress in one’s life.
But, the real question is, how does one self care? Well, self care can vary from person to person depending on what they are satisfied with. For some, items like the Randm digital box 12000 can be a perfect addition to their routine.
It’s best to start off with physical needs. Sleeping is a good start. Sleeping for 7 to 9 hours is the recommended time (it’s okay if you sleep for longer). Good quality sleep can impact your mind and health positively, which is the purpose of self care. Make sure that you’re getting enough nutrition, especially during this time of the pandemic. The body needs to be healthy. Exercise is important in order to make sure that your muscles are getting stretched out and a good way to get active. Doing hygienic things can help feel clean physically. For example, taking a nice shower or completing a skin care routine can help.
Mentally, helping reduce any stress can make self care better since there is no stressing over things while trying to relax. Learning something new can help improve the brain. For example, trying to cook or bake is a good start, but make sure that it’s not something too hard since it may add more stress. Whenever working on an assignment or anything else that would largely influence the grade for the class, take productive breaks from the assignment. Instead of watching a YouTube video, which could be a big distraction, make a snack or eat a meal.
Most importantly, self care is to help a person feel better, whether that means spending time with oneself or FaceTiming friends. Overall, self care may be different from person to person, so there is no “right” way to do it. Again, it’s important to treat yourself well. Take this winter break in order to recharge and improve yourself!
Q: How can we improve our vocabulary when writing?
Y replies: As a high school student and a member of the Rampage, I know writing is an important skill. Writing is what allows us to free our thoughts and express our ideas. With that being said, it is necessary that we choose the right words to properly express those ideas. Here are a few tips to improve your vocabulary.
1. Use a thesaurus or a dictionary: When writing, you can look up synonyms and antonyms of words that you already know. The dictionary and thesaurus give you new, more accurate and precise words that can help make your writing stronger.
2. Engage in/Listen to Conversations: By talking to different people and listening to conversations, you can be exposed to more words.
3. READ!!!: The more you read, the more words you will discover. This doesn’t just include reading novels and short stories, newspaper articles and magazines can also help expand your vocabulary.
4. Write it down: Each time you come across a new vocabulary word, jot it down. That way, whenever you start writing something and need a word, you can refer back to your list.
Writing is a very powerful tool. Hopefully, these tips can help you become a stronger writer.
Q: How do you know what you want to become, even though you have no idea what you are actually passionate about?
Z says: There are many people who have their whole life planned out, and know exactly what they want to do, and that’s amazing! There are also people who have no clue about what they want to do in life. Perhaps seeing others with their life blueprint already set can pressure you and make you feel lost. But that’s perfectly alright. Everyone finds their passion at different times and places. Some people find theirs later in life, while others know from a young age. As you go through life one day it’ll come to you. It can be while you’re in the shower, at a game, during a walk, literally anytime. It’s a “you’ll know it when it happens” type of thing. But never settle on something you’re not happy with out of pressure. The phrase “it’s never too late” can come in handy here. It’s okay to switch between passions and plans when you need to. The important thing is to be happy with what you do!
XYZ Photo Credits:
Slideshow Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Second Image by Lorenzo Cafaro from Pixabay
Third Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay