This October, caught between a real hunger for live entertainment and fears of a new surge in Covid cases, New Yorkers managed to celebrate a colorful yet subdued edition of one of the world’s most exciting pop culture and comic book conventions at Manhattan’s Jacob Javits Center. Many teens and adults alike dressed up in creative Cosplay, representing everything from Anime characters, video games, and ideas from underground graphic novels, to heroes and villains from popular DC or Marvel movies.
The “show” was really different this year! There was actually space to move and breathe on a usually unbearably crowded show floor; plus seats were available to every hot panel and new film preview. Mandatory proof of vaccination reduced the number of children, baby carriages and adults, but increased the joy and ease of access for fans who simply couldn’t stay away. Many vendors complained about loosing their typically huge profits, and many video game companies were not present. But Artist’s Alley was hopping with stellar graphic artists and story creators…the people without whom Comicon (and much of Hollywood) could not exist. As you will see below, Socially Distanced Comicon, was still totally worth the effort everyone made to be there.

Black comic book creators, once marginalized, now claim more space and respect in the field of sequential art.

Artist Alley—where established and emerging artists sell original pages and prints (along with t-shirts and books) to eager fans.

Imagine the legendary Harriet Tubman not only as a liberator of slaves and a famous Union spy, but also with the skills of a Demon Slayer!!
Now perhaps 2022 will return to us the super crowded Comicon we are used to from previous years. But if not, we now know the fans and creators of Comicon can still have a safe and exciting event even in the midst of a global pandemic when tremendous crowds are not permitted to gather.