Ask XYZ: The November Edition!

Question: How do I manage all my work properly?

X’s Response:

As a current senior overloaded with work, time management is needed to ensure I complete my work on time. Here are some of my tips for time management I’ve gained over the years.

  1. Write all your assignments down in one place: Having ONE space where you can write all the things you need to get down is necessary to make sure you don’t forget anything. I use Notion to keep track of my assignments I have for the week, but any platform can work! Google Keeps, the notes app, reminders, or traditional pen and paper are great ways to write your things down. Please make sure all your tasks are in ONE space. You shouldn’t be switching apps to get all your tasks for the day. Make sure to also include events or outside responsibilities you need to complete.
  2. Organizing yourself: Now that you know all the tasks you need to complete, it’s time to organize yourself to get it done! I recommend Google Calendar to organize how long you will do each task. I’ve used it since the start of my junior year, which has helped me stay on track. Add events or meetings that you need to attend.
  3. Have a calendar visible: I have a small calendar on my wall over my desk with all events, meetings, test dates, or deadlines I have for that month. I’ve only started doing it this year, but I’ve already seen the benefits. The calendar is a visible reminder of things I have to do, and every day, I can see how busy I am so that I can plan accordingly. It helps me know what weeks I will be busy so I can finish some work in advance.
  4. Reach out to friends, classmates, or teachers: How can you finish assignments if you don’t understand them? Reach out to people who understand the material and are willing to teach it to you! This will help you learn and understand the material to finish your work. This includes study groups (in-person or on zoom), tutoring, or using lunchtime to seek extra help.
  5. Don’t overload yourself: Self-management is essential to getting things done, but in the end, if you overload yourself with too many activities, it can be hard to get all of it done. Take time during your day/week to relax and unwind! We don’t want to burn out this early in the school year!


Question: I sometimes always compare myself to others, even when I don’t mean to. Everyone in the school seems so much better than me. What should I do to improve myself?

Y’s Response: 

Firstly, this is a normal feeling. As teenagers, we have all compared ourselves to others in one way or another. You should always appreciate yourself for how you are and who you are, but here are a few ways you can improve yourself:


  • Take up a hobby: Being talented at things is a great way to give yourself a boost. Take this time to explore other interests which may also help you in the future. It can also help bond you with new people. 
  • A little extra effort on appearance: Many students gain confidence through their appearance. Find your own aesthetic; there are several types through Pinterest. Own your style and make improvements, stay clean, and add a little gloss, highlighter, and eyeliner.
  • Surround yourself with people with positive vibes: Usually, when you’re around a positive atmosphere, there isn’t much space for negativity to crowd your mind. Invest time with people you feel comfortable sharing what you think, and stick with friends who have your back. It’s people like these that help keep our self-esteem high.



Question: How do I make friends?

Z’s Response:

Socializing can be a struggle for many, and it definitely was for me at some point in my life as well. However, at times one has to work up the courage to put themselves out there. Even though it may be scary and out of your comfort zone, it can bring you incredible friendships. 

  1. Start conversations with classmates: Most classes organize desks into groups. This is the perfect chance to wind up a conversation with your group mates. Whether it’s about schoolwork, a compliment, or any other topic, it is a great chance to talk! 
  2. Join a club or sport: Pick a club of your interest and attend the session; there are sure to be many outgoing people. Don’t be scared to go up to club members! Additionally, sports are filled with team spirit. Sharing a common passion for the sport is an easy way to meet new people. Try to interact with them as much as possible! 
  3. Be who you are: It may sound cliche and obvious, but making friends can be easy when you’re yourself. People who click with your personality will be open to a friendship. 
  4. Use social media: Many people at MCSM are mutual with each other on social media. Try to reach out to some; it may help to interact through text first if you feel anxious. However, be polite about it, and don’t forget to interact in person, too (also try not to be creepy)! 
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