How to Overcome Shyness


              Do you find it difficult to interact with others around you? Is it a struggle to approach that cute girl that’s in your chemistry class? Well, although you may not want to admit it, you are probably shy. People are quick to call a person shy, but what does it really mean? It actually means being reserved and timid in the company of other people. You are probably reading this and wondering what does this have to do with you, but shyness in fact creates a barrier between you and the rest of the world. Now don’t get me wrong, being shy is not necessarily bad, there are just a few disadvantages that you may want to keep in mind.


               As a senior, I have noticed throughout my school years that shyness is a trait caused by various reasons. These reasons may include: fearing what others are going to say or think about you, not having enough self-confidence, lack of communication skills, and language restrictions. This is normal, especially during the transition from middle school to high school, since we are being exposed to a totally new environment. But many times shyness can take control over a person’s entire life and it begins to affect them in unexpected ways. It is known that most of our classes have a grade-percentage based on participation, and many students aren’t able to get that 100 as a final grade, simply because they’re afraid of speaking in class. Not only that, but shyness definitely affects your social life and how you act with others. Group projects are commonly given in which communication skills must be used whether you like it or not, in order to cooperate. There are various ways to control your shyness which mainly involve forgetting the thought of people judging you.


Kiara Ventura, our newspaper editor, and I went to speak with Rishauna Zumberg, the RAPP coordinator, to discuss shyness. We all came agreed that there are three main ways to overcome shyness.


Here is what you can do:


1. Learn to accept your flaws.


We all know that nobody is perfect and as humans we all have flaws. We must be able to understand this in order to accept flaws as a part of who we are. Don`t let one simple “flaw” restrict you from interacting with the world.


2. Be more positive about yourself.


Life isn`t always about recognizing the bad things, but it is about learning to realize the good things you see in yourself. Self confidence is the key, so flaunt your inner personality!


3. Talk about it with someone.


Sometimes it feels great to let go of your self-consciousness and be yourself with someone you trust. Don’t ever forget that in the end you should be yourself all the time and don’t let somebody`s simple opinion stop you from speaking up!


Whether you are shy because of a personal “flaw” or about an aspect of your identity, first stop judging your flaws. Learn to accept yourself and love yourself. Once you accomplish this, being shy will be a part of the past.


​​​​​​​​                                                                                                                      By Rebeca Mora

