X, Y, and Z are three MCSM students who use this space to offer solutions to common problems all high school students face. They welcome anonymous questions from fellow classmates on health, academics, the college process, or how to keep family, friends, work, and school from driving you crazy. Submit your questions—with or without your real name—either on paper (dropped into the “Ask XYZ” Questions Jar in the Writing Center) or via email sent to

Remember: we are here to help you!!!!


Q: I try to be friendly with everyone, but sometimes people decide to dislike me… or for no clear reason our personalities clash. I recently said something in class that one of my classmates took the wrong way. I really didn’t mean to offend her, or anyone else, but now she is angry with me. Can you tell me how to explain myself to her, or how to even get her to hear my side so we can squash the bad feelings?

X Replies: People are weird, let’s just say that. If you’re trying to be friendly with everyone, of course there will be a few bad apples in the bunch to ruin your day. If you want to get things straight with these people, or bad apples, there’s only one thing you can do—confrontation. Now when I say confrontation, I’m not talking about fist to fist or a huge blow to the face. No. Being physical shouldn’t be an option, it’ll just create a bigger mess, and that’s what you’re trying to avoid. But before you confront your classmate in a nonviolent way, you should take a few minutes to think about what you’re exactly going to say.

“Think before you speak.” (I swear if more people tried doing this the world might actually be a better place to live in.) Finding the right words may be tough, but if you try your best, then that shows the other person that you actually care about rationalizing the misunderstanding. In some cases, if your classmate won’t accept your explanation, don’t stress it. You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself if this classmate doesn’t really believe in what you’re saying.  It’s not your fault. Like I said earlier-people are weird.

Some People are just harder to get along with than others. Think of it like that. Not everyone will take the time to hear people’s thoughtful and reasonable explanations. Hopefully, your words can help in squashing the bad feelings of some bad apples.


Q: How do I know if I’m in “Love”?

Y Responds:    If I’m going to be completely honest with you,  I don’t completely know. Love isn’t something brief or simple. It’s something that cannot necessarily be answered or defined in one session. But to be real with you in my personal opinion, if you’re In Love with someone, you think about them all day.  Everything you see reminds you of something that deals with, or relates to them. Just the thought of them brings a dumb grin to your face any time of the day. But most importantly you know you’re In Love when the smallest thing (like their company) brings you joy.  When you feel completed by their presence even if they’re sitting there in complete silence.

All in all,  you know you’re In Love when you’re happy. Yes, happy. Hopefully you already know that this does not mean you have to fall in love with someone else… you can fall in love with yourself!  And if I can teach you anything, I would want to teach you to fall in love with yourself, before anyone else.


QShould I go to Prom?  I’ve been thinking about it but can’t get excited about the event. It sometimes seems like an expensive waste of time to get ready and go.  What do you think?

Z says: Prom is just around the corner, and I’m sure that most seniors are all excited. Except for those of you who aren’t! Or those of you who don’t even know what to wear, who to go with, and if you even want to go. Have no fear, your good old friend Z is here. I personally think everyone should go to prom. Prom isn’t for everyone, but there might be people who thought high school wasn’t for them, but look now… YOU’RE GRADUATING! You’ve made it to an end of an era, don’t you think you deserve a little party? Prom should be about you celebrating your achievement and getting together and having one last party with your high school friends! All throughout high school you lose and make friends, due to schedule changes, new friends, or simple drifting of hearts, but all of these people have helped to make you who you are one way or another. Why not engage with all your classmates for one last hurrah? For the people who don’t wanna go to prom, it’s completely fine, but I would say hanging out by yourself on prom night is not the wave. Get a few of your friends and do something really fun! Make these last few memories count and have a great time. Have an anti prom, a morp! Okay maybe not a morp but have fun and make it memorable! But if anyone wants to take me to prom I have nooooooo problem!



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