PARTY TIME: Food, Friendship, and Joy at the Rampage Holiday Potluck

By Rampage Staff

December 17th, our Rampage staff celebrated the last editorial meeting in 2018 by bringing gifts of food and good spirits  to share with fellow reporters.  As you can see from the pictures below, sweet things dominated, with Priya’s delicious brownies won the prize for most delicious treat—followed closely by Rifath’s marble pound cake.  We hope you like our spectacular December issue.  Our full staff will return to work in January to represent the diverse voices and interests of Manhattan Center students.


Delicious brownies were the first to go.

Hershey’s kisses in the house!

Pound cake disappears almost as fast as Priya’s brownies!

Before leaving we go over the last remaining duties for our December issue.


Seniors Marvin and Mayra share their college aspirations.

Gotta try those tasty doughnut holes before we go….


See you all next year!!!