Coach Almanzar (pale blue shirt, on right) standing next to Assistant Coach Flores (white shirt), surrounded by the Track & Field Team
By Osasere Imade
At Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics, our track and field team is run by an amazing coach, Luis Almanzar, and assistant coach, Rainery Flores. They coach a team consisting of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Below is a short interview with this dynamic duo that explores why they got involved with this sport, and what it takes to coach a team of runners to victory.
Interview with Head Coach Luis Almanzar
RamPage: What year did you begin to establish the track team here at MCSM?
Almanzar: It was fifteen years ago, so, in 2003.
RamPage: What made you want to start a track team at MCSM?
Almanzar: I felt that I wanted to encourage students to run, and to have fun doing that as a team.
RamPage: What was your favorite moment being involved with the team?
Almanzar: One of the best years was eight years ago. I had the best runners in the city. We won numerous medals, and it felt great to have so many achievements.
RamPage: Is it difficult to be both a coach for the team and a Spanish teacher?
Almanzar: Sometimes you just have to manage it. It is difficult occasionally, but I am accustomed to dealing with both jobs in an efficient way.
RamPage: What advice would you give to people who want to try out for the track team?
Almanzar: Well, not to be afraid—and, not to think that they can’t do it because everybody can run. We want everybody to join the team. We welcome everyone.
RamPage: What do you hope for the future of the track team?
Almanzar: I want to attract more people to join the team, because in other schools they have a lot of athletes. There are not a lot of minorities that run, and I want to encourage them to join. Plus it’s a good way to get in shape to be in healthy in life.
Interview with Assistant Track Coach Rainery Flores
RamPage: What year did you join the track team and become an assistant?
Flores: Sophomore year.
RamPage: Were you planning on becoming an assistant or did you plan on being a runner?
Flores: I started off wanting to be a runner. However, I realized that wasn’t going to be interesting enough for me. But I liked the sport itself, so I became the manager.
RamPage: Is it difficult to balance school and track?
Flores: It isn’t, its all about time management, and Coach Almanzar is really flexible as well.
RamPage: Is it difficult to control the team?
Flores: The team itself is like having a second family. They sometimes refer to me as either team member or coach. Also, being that I’ve been with them for 2 years now, communication isn’t difficult since we all know each other. They know that whatever I tell them is for their own good.
RamPage: What are some things you do as an assistant?
Flores: As an assistant, I have to keep the runners times; distribute numbers, make category cards, keep track of their paperwork, and make sure it’s all up to date. In addition, I also take attendance and make announcements.
RamPage: Do you plan on staying on the team your senior year?
Flores: I do plan on staying during my senior year, and the team wants me to stay as well.
RamPage: If anybody wants to join the track team what advice would you give them?
Flores: Advice I’d give anyone looking to join the track team is to just do it. Just understand that track is an individual sport—meaning, if you can’t motivate yourself then you’re not going to be good. To be a good runner, whether long distance or short distance, it takes a lot of work and dedication. Track isn’t easy, but anyone can become a runner if they want to. We accept anyone and everyone, so don’t be shy. We don’t bite!