HEALTH: The Terrific Powers of Tumeric


By Shawrna Sen

    Do you think you know that yellowish orangish thing? The powder is used in almost all Indian dishes. Well, you may have guessed it by now. It’s turmeric!

  Tumeric belongs to the ginger family. It contains a substance called curcumin, and it has plenty of antioxidants. It can retard aging, which is extremely crucial for our polluted society today when your cells are not being taken care of properly.

      Not only is tumeric used in many dishes to bring wonderful color and sensational taste to your food, but it also offers a plethora of health benefits.

       Tumeric can help you lower the risk of cholesterol, which may be an issue you are currently dealing with. So what is cholesterol? This is when your blood vessels accumulate a thick layer of fat, which can prevent efficient blood flow.

    Turmeric can also help increase your skin health. Turmeric can tighten and bring a lovely glow to your skin. It reduces acne, and dark spots, to give you a radiant look you might have been craving for a long time.

     One other benefit turmeric can provide for your body is weight loss. You can lose weight and feel great at the same time. Turmeric efficiently boosts your metabolism, thus leading to weight loss.

       So how can you get all these benefits?  Well, the best way is to incorporate tumeric into your daily meals. You can add diced turmeric into your tea. You can add turmeric powder into your curries, soup or even add it to the milk you might be drinking every day.

      Turmeric is a very healthy “spice,” valued for decades in many cultures. So why not add it to your everyday diet to improve your own health?

Tumeric in the field, and in root form.