SCIENCE: What are Quantum Computers?


This is what a 50-cubit Quantum Computer looks like.


By Omar T. Abdelsalam

    If you have heard the term Quantum Computing but perhaps  did not understand what it is, you are not alone. Scientists have been doing a lot of research involving quantum computing. This week, Google just announced achieving something called ‘quantum supremacy.’

What are Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers depend directly on the principles of quantum mechanics involving some  phenomena such as superposition and entanglement. In a quantum computer, quantum properties can be used to represent and structure data.

Differences between a Classical Computer and a Quantum Computer?

All classical computers are dependent on transistors: acting as the ‘switch’ and ‘memory’ units of computers. Computers use binary —digits 0 and 1– to store information. The 0 and 1 digits used in binary are like the ‘on’ and ‘off’ state of a transistor. The computer uses a sequence of bits to make sense of data we input and follow instructions; the transistor acts as a ‘processor’. This is how every computer works today from laptops, to  cellphones, televisions, smartwatches, etc. As we enter more data, we need more information to be stored; there is a need for more zeroes and ones and transistors to process them. As computers are limited to only doing one thing at a time, it takes them longer to solve more complex problems. This leaves many complex problems unsolved, which brings us to Quantum Computing.

In quantum computers, things are different. They use quantum bits (qubits) instead of bits. Using ‘superposition’ qubits can represent a one or a zero at the same time, while classical computers can only represent either one or the other  of these at a time. Using superposition two qubits could represent four scenarios at a time (consider one and zero just to be heads and tails). Therefore, they could process data in less time than classical computers.

How can Quantum Computers be useful?

Quantum computers could solve problems that a normal computer won’t be able to solve or problems it might take normal computers a billion years to solve. Because of their efficiency, quantum computers are able to crack many of the encryption techniques that are used today. But they could also potentially make encryptions that could not be hacked. Using quantum computers, we can do more accurate simulations in a short period of time, for example weather forecasting and financial modeling. We would be able to build better climate models, and make accurate estimates about environmental changes that might prevent some disasters from happening.

Quantum Computing Supremacy

Quantum Supremacy is the potential ability to solve problems that classical computers can’t solve, or that would possibly take thousands of years to solve.

Google’s Quantum Supremacy

In a research paper published by Google, it claimed its 54-qubit processor was able to solve a complex problem in 200 seconds, a problem the most powerful ordinary computer would solve in 10,000 years. Google’s research is considered a breakthrough as it shows the progress in quantum computing, and how it is going to be beneficial in the future. Many tech companies are competing to advance more quickly in quantum computing. Scientists are optimistic about quantum computers, and think they could lead to new drug discoveries and advances in the field of chemistry.

Can you have a Quantum Computer at your home?

You probably won’t be able to have one in your home. The Quantum Computer must be cold enough to be stable, inside it’s  -460 degrees Fahrenheit!  Quantum computers are not intended to replace classical computers, although maybe they would perform complex problems that a normal computer can’t solve.

At the moment, you might not feel any impact from quantum computers. But later, they could lead to scientific breakthroughs that will completely change our lives. Quantum computing is therefore something you should know about, and whose fundamentals you should try to understand.

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