HEALTH: Staying Fit During Quarantine

By Shawrna Sen

      In New York it’s been over a month since our schools had to move all classes online, and most of the city was told to shut down.  It is a very critical moment for all of us now coping with the global pandemic. The effects of COVID-19 have been devastating even if you didn’t catch the virus, because we are all now quarantined at home getting little to no exercise. On top of this, there are many people who are horribly bored and lonely due to a lack of social activities and face-to-face communication. All these things can negatively impact your mental state as well as your physical health.

     We should be reasonably concerned about ourselves, and try to maintain a normal lifestyle as much as possible. So for that, regular exercise is a huge deal. It will give you something to do during isolation, and provide some astonishing health and mental benefits.

So How Can You Possibly Exercise at Home?

     Well, it’s definitely possible for you to stay safe and get some exercise done. You don’t need to head to the gym. You can do some yoga using a YouTube video in the comfort of your home. Also, you can walk around in your house and count your steps (of course using your phone). Additionally, you can do jumping jacks and lunges and other varieties of exercise while watching television. There are multiple ways you can stay indoors or away from crowds while  remaining happy and healthy. And this is encouraged.

     Physical activities like push ups and leg lifts—will fill up your spare time and also help you stay fit. Compete with your other family members to see how many you can do!  Friendly competition also helps everyone feel less bored and get more cheerful. Offer a “prize” for the winner, like something tasty to eat or drink.

     Psychologists have realized that depression is a common problem in people these days since everyone feels stuck indoors and worrying about everything that is happening around them. You don’t want to be anxious, and research has proven multiple times how great exercising is for reducing tension in the body and mind. Exercise makes you feel calmer because when you exercise, you increase your blood flow,  thus increasing endorphins which fight stress and anxiety.

     So with all this in mind, you should consider doing some exercises at various times throughout the day because good circulation is essential now more than ever. You want to feel your best and not shut yourself down with worry. We are all enduring this  public health crisis together, but it’s your responsibility to do what you can to help yourself. So get those muscles moving and stay healthy!





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