
RETROSPECTIVE 2013: Mr. Jimenez shares his vision and goals for MCSM

     In May of 2013, our principal sat down with a Rampage reporter and outlined his highest aspirations for this school.  We reprint this interview now to highlight how MCSM has evolved in 7 years, and to better appreciate our school during  the current health crisis which temporarily separates us  from Manhattan Center’s teachers, its hallways, its feeling of community, and its celebratory  special events.

By Roberta Nin Feliz

     While sitting at his meeting table with hands folded, Mr.Jimenez  stated, “My vision is that minority students can excel in a school for science and math that would prepare them to be successful and to achieve admission in the best colleges in the country.” Jimenez entered Manhattan Center`s doors in 2007 and has been trying to improve Manhattan Center as a whole ever since. In 2009, our school had a graduation rate of 97% and grade A for Student Performance according to NYC DOE progress report of 2010 to 2011.

          “My present goals for MCSM are to have all students  graduate, for 100%  to pass regents exams, for over half the students to achieve mastery in all courses, and to ensure that each graduate is ready to be successful in college,” Mr.Jimenez said. As for the future, Jimenez stated that he hopes our school will become one of the top ten high schools in New York City, and among the top twenty high school in the country.

This future goal of becoming one of the top ten public schools in the city doesn`t seem too far fetched considering the fact that MCSM is already ranked in the top 17 best New York City high schools according to US News and World Report.

              When asked to describe Manhattan Center, Principal Jimenez replied, “It’s comprised of educators, students, and staff members that work hard, strive for excellence and are achieving phenomenal results as evidenced by our 2013 graduating class including 5 Gates Millennium scholars and 6 Posse Scholars . . .  plus the many Ivy League college acceptances our seniors have obtained.
          “It is evident, “ Jimenez continued,  from our increased graduation rate, as well as the increased awards for research, service to community, and college acceptances,  that Manhattan Center  is still a school that is striving to meet its ideals, and is improving each year. I believe that we must continue striving toward excellence, and towards becoming the top school in NYC. “
         As a junior at MCSM I have spoken with students that shared their acceptances into Ivy Leagues and other great colleges. By noticing this, it gives me hope for a promising future as an MCSM student.

          As a closing message to you, the student body, Mr.Jimenez says:  “If you were admitted into MCSM, that means that you are smart enough to be successful during your 4 years here.  Upon achieving graduation you can then leave with confidence that you are prepared to be successful in any college or industry that you choose as long as you consistently pursue your aspirations with hard work. ”

Actress Sanaa Lathan: former graduate of MCSM, UC Berkeley, and Yale University!
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