( Have a Problem? Ask X,Y,Z)

Q: I am doing remote learning for this school year. What are some good tips for me to stay active and awake during the  Zoom class to not get bored and not pay attention to my class?

X replies: Online does have its benefits and its issues. Online classes give students more freedom and independence, but for those who aren’t used to having that amount of freedom, it might be difficult. Making sure you get enough sleep and not getting up a couple of minutes before classes start is important,  since getting up minutes before class starts doesn’t give your body enough time to wake up—especially if your first class may be boring. Getting up 30 minutes before class starts is great, since you can take a shower or wash your face with water to help you wake up. Having time in your morning to eat something is also essential to your ability to focus. A quick meal that will fill you up is oatmeal. If you can, don’t have your classes in your bed since your brain associates your bed with relaxation and sleeping. Try to see if you can go to a dinner table or some sort of desk. When there are a few minutes left until your class starts, remove distractions from your work space, things like your phone or other things that you know might distract you. Make sure to have all the materials you need for class (like  a calculator for your math lesson) so you don’t run to go get that halfway through your class. Now when class starts, try to turn on your camera so that they see your face, and that will force you to pay attention. Taking notes in your class so you’re actively listening is a great way to help you stay awake. Drinking water throughout your classes also helps your brain stay more engaged in the lesson. Another thing that may be helpful is to develop a routine in the morning and after class,  so that before class starts and after class ends you know exactly what to do.

Q: I am very worried about how this school year is going to play out. Do you have any advice on how to stay calm and collected during the beginning of this school year?

Y says: The 2020-2021 school year is very challenging and different for everybody. Between the changes to the start dates of hybrid learning, to the confusions of remote learning, both students and teachers are trying their best to make sense of it all. Plus, this adds stress and worries. It is important that we pay attention to our mental, emotional, social, and physical health as we continue to learn as a community. Here are some ways that you can feel calm and collected.

1.  Exercise. Go for a walk or a run. Sitting in front of your computer all day can make your body sore. It is very important that you give your body the energy it needs to take on 7 periods a day. You can exercise, go for a walk/jog around your neighborhood, and do yoga. Exercise and walks are great for your mind and for relieving tension.  You can also get some nice fresh air.
2. Think of the positives and cultivate gratitude. By focusing on the good and positive outcomes in your life, you will start to notice how much  you have grown,  and that life isn’t as bad as it seems. Focus on how you have overcome problems before in your life. In addition, express gratitude to those around you. This helps not only yourself, but others as well.
3. Get some sleep: Sleep is very important. Your body needs rest. Sleep calms your body down and getting enough sleep allows you to wake up every morning feeling relaxed.
4. Schedule Yourself: Organize your classes and the activities that you need to do for the week. This helps you remember when and what to do. Make sure you also schedule time  to relax and take breaks.
5. Take a deep breath: This is the simplest task of all, but we sometimes forget about this. Breathing relieves the stress hormones in your body and allows your body to stay calm.

     Remember, you got this! We can make the most out of this school year.

Q: The college process for applications has already started and I am very stressed out. I haven’t started any of my essays and supplements. Are there any suggestions for me to stop procrastinating and start writing my essays?

Z responds: I can definitely relate to your question. Procrastination is a very common struggle for a lot of people, especially high schoolers. I have heard many stories of seniors who did their college applications and essays at the last minute. However, this is not a good idea. Here are some tips that help me to stop procrastinating.

a) Decrease distractions: Today, we have a lot of technology and social media apps that keep us from doing our work. While you write your essay, don’t touch any apps that could stop you from writing. For example, if you spend lots of time on Instagram, try to stay away from it and use that time to work on your essay.
b) Commit to the task.  If you plan on writing the essay, make sure that you actually do it! Set up some dates to work on it. You can take a week to write the first draft. Have someone check it and then work on the draft until it is perfect. Just make sure that if you set your mind to write the essay, be determined to write it!
c) Reward yourself. This is the best part. Writing an essay nonstop for hours and days can get boring. Save some time in between to take a break and reward yourself. This can be a 30-minute YouTube  break or a small snack break. Whatever you do, make sure you pace yourself when you write. You may even come up with great details during that break.

Above all, don’t wait till the last minute to write your essay. When you start early, you will have time to correct it and not have to finish it in a rush. So, start working on it today!

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