POETRY: “The Ocean”

By Diana Sanchez

The ocean, once known as a beautiful ecosystem,


with marine animals, coral, and potential

is now possessed

with human utensils.

Food wrappers are poisoning our oceans.

Bottled drinks are polluting our oceans.

Clothing is destroying our oceans.

Humans are killing the planet.

A million years ago,

the ocean was filled with imagination,

life that once was at flow.

We as a nation have an obligation,

to protect the marine animals we know.

Food wrappers are poisoning our oceans.

Bottled drinks are polluting our oceans.

Clothing is destroying our oceans.

Humans are killing the planet.

Everyday hundreds of sea animals unaware,

are eating plastic; living in the same space as plastic.

We need to repair the despair,

I’m not being drastic or sarcastic.

Participation needs to be undertaken by the population,

everyone in this generation has a role in this devastation.

We as a nation have an obligation …do you still want motivation?


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