ADVICE: “Ask XYZ!” (January Edition)

QWhat are some ways to keep your New Year resolutions?

X responds:    2021 has arrived, and with every new year, people like to make resolutions.  However, most resolutions are soon abandoned. There are many reasons for resolutions not lasting too long. One reason is that some resolutions are too unrealistic or ask too much from you. Let’s say that your resolution is to read 5 books every month.  That would mean that every week you would have to start a new book. As we all know, some weeks may be busier than others, meaning that the resolution of reading 5 books a month may not work out. During exam season, reading a book may not be a priority since your time should be spent studying.  However, during the summer or on holiday breaks there is more time. So try to adjust your goals based on the time period. For example, instead of reading 5 books a month, try to read at least 3 books a month, Then if you find yourself with more or less time on your hands adjust your goal accordingly.

Some people have 10 or more resolutions that they want to complete over the span of a year, and that could be asking too much from yourself.  This would then lead to resolutions not being fulfilled. Try to tackle one resolution at a time. Committing yourself to 10 resolutions at the same time won’t  change your life in a positive way; you will only end up feeling overwhelmed. Start with one resolution at a time. If one resolution is to do your skin care routine six days a week, work on that goal first. Then once doing your skin care routine becomes a habit of yours, start the next resolution, but make sure to keep completing your older resolutions. 

Keeping yourself accountable is also another reason why resolutions aren’t always completed. Make resolutions with your friends and create a group chat specifically for encouraging each other and keeping everyone accountable. Share your resolutions and what you think is going to distract you from completing your goals, this way your friends and yourself can work out how you can complete your resolutions.

Overall, you should make sure that you don’t beat yourself up for messing up. Humans make mistakes, and missing one day of a resolution shouldn’t discourage you from continuing that habit. The important thing is that you are trying your best to complete what you have taken on.. Whether you have several small resolutions or one major resolution you want to complete this year, I wish you the best of luck!

Q: When is the best time to start the Common Application Essay for college? 

Y replies:  As a high school student planning to attend college, the Common Application essay is a very important step to complete the process. If you are a freshman or a sophomore, you have a few more years to brainstorm and plan what colleges you want to attend. If you are a junior, you should start thinking and brainstorming ideas for your essay. The best time to write your essay is the summer before senior year. If you are a senior, make sure that you get the essays done before the due date! The essay that you write should fit one of the prompts the application provides. One tip is to have teachers, friends, family members, or anyone else read and give comments on your drafts. 

    In general, you should start the Common Application the summer before senior year. By starting early, you get to see the requirements for each school, complete the background information, ask for recommendations, write multiple drafts of your essays, work on supplements, and have some time to ask any questions. The Common Application process is important as it is the application that your colleges use to review if you should attend their school. With that being said, start early and be prepared!


Q: How do you get over a heartbreak? 

Z says:  Heartbreak is a horrible thing, and no one wants to go through one. Unfortunately, they’re a part of life and they happen. The feeling after a heartbreak is probably one of the worst, and everyone tends to cope in different ways. Many people tend to go into a state of sadness and they fall into a dark place. Other people tend to try and distract themselves in as many ways as possible. Despite the different ways people react to a broken heart, I believe it’s alright to be sad for a while and to do everything you need to do, whether you grieve on your own or with a friend. It’s perfectly okay…after all we’re human and we have feelings. But it’s not okay to stay in those feelings for too long.  You can have your moment for a while, however it’s best to get back on track with your life. Go out, change your look, spend time with family, go play a sport, whatever it takes to make yourself feel better.

     Although it may seem hard at first, over time things get better. Wounds take a while to heal, but eventually you’ll get there. It’s always good to surround yourself with positive and understanding people. Whenever you feel down, you’re able to lean on them for a helping hand. It is always best to remember who you are, and to love yourself for you. It might not seem like it but self-love is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You’ll really start to enjoy life a lot more when you know you have yourself on your side. Remember that you have a whole lot more in store for you in the future. Look forward, don’t look back! 


(Photo Credits:  Slideshow Image by nugroho dwi hartawan from Pixabay, Second Image by janjf93 from Pixabay, and Third Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)

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