
POETRY: “Prescription”

By Janelle Fernandez

From the distance I see…

My everlasting contentedness with my life and self

The warm fondness of my childhood memories through my adult eyes

Myself achieving the goals I’ve worked towards my entire life

Enough time to do everything I’ve ever wanted and needed to do

The pride and approval I’ve always looked for from others

My favorite food, my favorite show, my favorite book

The gift I’ve always wanted

The knowledge I’ve always longed for

The happy ending I’ve always dreamed of

The feeling of completion, wholeness, and self actualization

When I look closer I see…

My everlasting self-conflict and torture

The cold grip of reality and the present

Failing at everything I’ve ever set out to do

Time slipping away from me as I head closer and closer towards my eternal end

Distaste and hatred in the eyes of others as I walk by

My own hatred and fear consuming me and diminishing my potential

Something I love taken away from me

My flaws, my vulnerability, and my stupidity being exposed to the world

The nightmare I’ve forever feared, but never acknowledged

The feeling of emptiness as the days pass and blend into one another

All I have left to see is if I am farsighted, or nearsighted?


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